Name: Monika
Surname: Pustelnik
Position in the company: Marketing and Account Manager
My experience: Manager, New Business Manager, Marketing Manager
About me: I like Mexican cuisine and sometimes I cook this kind of food, in my spare time I like a good movie – I like comedy and sensations movies the most. Denzel Washington is my favorite actor. I also love the sea and I try to go to the sea once a year with my family. I like rock, pop and soul music.
My languages: [flag=pl] polish, [flag=gb] english
Email: [email protected]

Name: Erlin
Surname: Durbaku
Position in the company: Account Manager
About me: Education / University / Business Management
My experience: I have been working in a company as sales manager for 5 years, selling work safety clothes and equipment. From approximately 2 years I am working on exhibition stand builder company. In my free time I usually go to the swimming pool to relax. Like everyone I like to eat and I also like cooking – I’m a not bad pasta cooker. I like traveling old style cities like Riga, Krakow etc. My favorite movie is Legend with Tom Hardy but also music is important in my life. Every kind of music that is good for my ears. I’m a crazy football fan. And also a crazy fun of Internacionale Milano / Inter.
My languages: [flag=al] albanian, [flag=gb] english, [flag=tr] turkish
Email: [email protected]

Name: Tatiana
Surname: Kapliienko
Position in the company: Account Manager
My experience: 3.5 lawyer in a building company
About me: I was born in Tomsk (Russia), graduated from Kharkov National University of Internal Affairs and worked as a lawyer in a construction company for more than 3 years. Of my hobbies, I want to mention travel, sports also occupy a huge place, I can not imagine my life without yoga and volleyball. I love Remarque books and Russian cuisine.
My languages: [flag=ru] russian , [flag=ua] ukrainian , [flag=pl] polish , [flag=gb] english
Email: [email protected]